A while ago I was chatting with my youngest sister Andrea on which fictional character we most resemble. She wanted to claim Lucy from the Chronicals of Narnia, I had to break it to her gently that unfortunately as much as she wanted to be Lucy, that one is our sister Kimmee, and she wins by a LONG shot. Kimmee and Lucy were rather the same in their younger years. But Andrea still lobbied for Lucy in her older years.
I think we agreed that I was most like Jo March. I even cut my hair like she did, only not to buy my mother a train ticket to go see my sick father. My friend Sarah says that I remind her of Elizabeth Bennet. As mush as I would like to be I don't think I quite fit Lizzy's perspective on life.
So, what fictional character do you think you most resemble?
You are Elizabeth Bennett!! I think I am like Daisy Duck. (Really that is the first thing that popped into my head)
Well hello there dahling!!! I had no idea you blogged, you should've told me so I could come and see you! Well I'm here now, just making my presence known!
If Sarah is Daisy Duck then I'm Minnie Mouse-sugary sweet with an undertone of annoying and irritable!
HA! I can't wait to see you soon.
XOXO Chelle
Welcome to the blogger world!!! Now I can get my fix of "the musings of Mander's mind." Yeah! I think I agree with Sarah, and honestly, if it means you end up with Mr Darcy, can you really argue about it?
Can't wait to see you.
Bravo. This is the first blog I have read in over four months. Just for the record I got the idea of the "Fav 5" from Becca and Amy. And I'd switch any of them out for Christian Bale in a hot second.
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