Saturday, May 3, 2008

Which fictional character do you most resemble?

A while ago I was chatting with my youngest sister Andrea on which fictional character we most resemble. She wanted to claim Lucy from the Chronicals of Narnia, I had to break it to her gently that unfortunately as much as she wanted to be Lucy, that one is our sister Kimmee, and she wins by a LONG shot. Kimmee and Lucy were rather the same in their younger years. But Andrea still lobbied for Lucy in her older years.

I think we agreed that I was most like Jo March. I even cut my hair like she did, only not to buy my mother a train ticket to go see my sick father. My friend Sarah says that I remind her of Elizabeth Bennet. As mush as I would like to be I don't think I quite fit Lizzy's perspective on life.

So, what fictional character do you think you most resemble?


Stuart and Sarah said...

You are Elizabeth Bennett!! I think I am like Daisy Duck. (Really that is the first thing that popped into my head)

Chelle said...

Well hello there dahling!!! I had no idea you blogged, you should've told me so I could come and see you! Well I'm here now, just making my presence known!
If Sarah is Daisy Duck then I'm Minnie Mouse-sugary sweet with an undertone of annoying and irritable!
HA! I can't wait to see you soon.
XOXO Chelle

Unknown said...

Welcome to the blogger world!!! Now I can get my fix of "the musings of Mander's mind." Yeah! I think I agree with Sarah, and honestly, if it means you end up with Mr Darcy, can you really argue about it?

Can't wait to see you.

brook, mind the e said...

Bravo. This is the first blog I have read in over four months. Just for the record I got the idea of the "Fav 5" from Becca and Amy. And I'd switch any of them out for Christian Bale in a hot second.