Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ho Hum Pigs Bum

Hola Chummies! Wow, what to say, what to say... Well I'm back from my camp adventures and well I fell in love a little, with a book series. I mean, I know I'm not a teenage Brit equivalent to Bridget Jones and that I don't have a cat I brought home from a Scottish holiday, but I'm enamored with the humurosity that is the life of Georgia aka Gee and her gang of rag tag, furry short wearing, lad lashing, nunga bouncing Ace Gang. Although I'm not a teen I do find that I still share some similarities with this heroine, I haven't had the good fortune to have my boy entrancers, aka my false eyelashes, get glued together whilst I was wearing them and chatting up a lurve god and have to excuse myself to catch my train and run into my friend who then started the congo line leading me around the dance floor blindly. But Gee and I do share one thing, and it's the firm belief that if it's silly, it's worth doing. And if you can sing a hymn and replace at least 5 words with PANTS, it makes worship that much more entertaining. And well then there's the humor of her pally Dave the Laugh, it just so happens that I have a friend Dave, and he's well, a laugh.

My hat is off to you Louise Rennison, we could have been amazing friends. I'm not promising the same antics as Rosie, but we could have gotten material for another 9 books. Maybe I'll try the sticky eyes on someone on the streets of NY and see if I can get him to follow me around. You may have answered my mother's prayers to me finding a husband, she may be buzzing you if this all works out.
And Bethany will also send many thanks for the Viking Dance we're going to do at her wedding.

Heres a sneak peak of what's coming across the pond from Billy a Shakespeare land


Sheridan said...

I've added this title to my "to read" list. Thanks, Amanda! :)

Sheridan said...

Hey, when does this film open in the states? It's already here in Oz.